Monday, December 12, 2011

33-34 Week Twin Update!

Today, we had are 34 week check-up and Ultrasound. The Ultrasound went pretty good and went faster than the ones before. As for the Ultrasound findings Baby A are little girl is still breech and Baby B are boy is head down but his sisters legs and feet are in the way. Baby A (girl) is estimated at 4lbs 3oz. and Baby B (boy) is estimated at 5lbs 5oz. Seems big to me but I guess they are right on so I will take it.  My doctors apt. went rather well and we got some pretty exciting news. I am not dilating any further from what I did when I was in the hospital so that is great news. He also scheduled my C-Section date and I am starting the count down to us meeting are twins. I have 2 more weeks of bed rest then at 36 weeks I can be taken off of bed rest and help with the kids and the house work until my scheduled delivery date. Here's to hoping that these little ones stay in until there scheduled time to come out!

33-34 week Twin Baby Bump