Sunday, October 16, 2011


As I enter into the last couple of weeks of my second trimester I can only begin to prepare. We have started the remodel of the bedrooms and are almost complete with that. Hopefully by the end of this week we will have everything back to it's place and the kids in there own rooms again. The bedroom furniture for the twins is all here and this momma is anxious to set it up and get there room ready! I have also started to get things lined up for my hospital bag and began to make plans for when that time comes. I must say I am pretty excited about my hospital bag and all the things that will be going in it. I recently purchased a Weekender bag from Thirty-one gifts and I love it, I think it will make the perfect hospital bag. I also picked up two new Labor Looks gowns, YES two at the time I could not decide which one I liked better so I decided to get them both. I had one with Signey and received lots of compliments on it and I enjoyed being in something rather than there old worn down gowns. I have also been looking into a neat little place called  Small Batch Studio she has created a cute little bag of everything you need for D-Day called the Push Pack! I love that idea and it will help instead of having to worry about putting things in at the last minute.
As I go into my 26th week of pregnancy with the twins I grow more and more anxious to meet them! (Not to early or not to late) So do there brother and sisters.