Monday I had my doctors apt and ultrasound. Everything went well and they both seem to be growing. As I lay on the table It hit me that we are really going to have twins. I kind of think I was in denial or something but Monday seeing them made it very real for me. I am not so much scared of having twins but just the complications that can come along with carrying them. As for the complications the doctor reassured me that he really does not forsee any major problems and that I would most likely go to "term" for twins due to the fact that I have never really gone into labor on my own. This makes me feel a little more comfortable but no one knows what the future holds so we will take it day by day. They had already scheduled my 20 week ultrasound which will be on September 2nd but now the fight is on. This time I really do not want to find out whether they are boys or girls or both for that matter, but Heath says we must find out. I don't know this time I feel like they were a SURPRISE so there sex should be too. I guess we will have to see who wins. Back to the babies, both babies had great strong heart beats and Baby A for now is the lower baby and Baby B is high and to the left. Momma is growing each and every day and feeling fine for know.
Two little Plums |
As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.