Eight months where have you gone... Signey is growing by the day and she is really turning into her own little person.. I think the saying is true that the third child is the comedian because she is.. She has the funniest expression I have ever seen and she loves to laugh and to make people laugh. We have finally started sleeping in the crib which is a huge accomplishment in it's self. Signey is starting to look more like her siblings although she still has her own little face. It is truly amazing watching her grow and I look forward to what the future may bring for her.
Things that she LOVES:
-Rolling all over the place
-Being in her walker
-Eating graduate puffs
-She tried Mac and Cheese and enjoyed it
-Sleeping on her tummy in her CRIB!
-Making everyone smile
-Loves eaten things like paper or anything that her brother and sister leave sitting around