Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Goose Egg of the Year!

The picture tells the story...  Poor little girl!
You can't see it very good but this has to have been the biggest Goose Egg I have ever encountered!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Signey is 8 months old!

Eight months where have you gone... Signey is growing by the day and she is really turning into her own little person.. I think the saying is true that the third child is the comedian because she is.. She has the funniest expression I have ever seen and she loves to laugh and to make people laugh. We have finally started sleeping in the crib which is a huge accomplishment in it's self. Signey is starting to look more like her siblings although she still has her own little face. It is truly amazing watching her grow and I look forward to what the future may bring for her.

Things that she LOVES:
-Rolling all over the place
-Being in her walker
-Eating graduate puffs
-She tried Mac and Cheese and enjoyed it
-Sleeping on her tummy in her CRIB!
-Making everyone smile

-Loves eaten things like paper or anything that her brother and sister leave sitting around

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The kids stay at NaNa and PaPa's

 The past couple of weeks the kids have stayed at my moms for almost a week. First with Heath's surgery then the following weekend for Tiffany and Shawn's wedding. Here are a couple of photos that captured there FUN stay at NaNa and PaPa's house..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

20 weeks down


We are half way there! The twins are growing and this mommy is feeling it. They are both weighing 10 oz each at this point and are measuring perfectly. We were glad to find that we are still having a Boy and a Girl. So far I have only gained 3 pounds and the Doctor says that this is just fine since they are showing growth. I feel like I have gained more than that but I think its due to the shift in weight. Baby A are girl is the lower baby and she is a mover, Baby B are Boy is really high and very mellow. Here are some of the Ultrasound pics from the 20 week visit.
Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Here is a quick little blog, this past weekend was the annual Exeland Trout Fest. There is always a parade on Sunday and North Star Acres usually has a float of some sort but this year they had a float and  a follow behind. Heath felt good enough to drive the truck and Orion and Addy followed behind with NaNa. Orion drove his John Deere Tractor down the highway and Adalynn walked with NaNa all too cute.. They stopped every once in awhile to throw freezer pops and then kept on a truck'n.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's been forever since I have blogged!

Wow! So much has happened since the last time that I have blogged. Were do I start. The kids have grown dramatically in the last couple of weeks. I can not believe that we are coming into the Hover home birthday season! Orion will be three in a couple of months and then we will be on to the other twos birthdays! O my then it's twin time.... Heath just had Bariatric Surgery (roux en y), on Tuesday and everything seems to be going well. We spent three days in Eau Claire at Sacred Heart Hospital. I am so thankful that all went as planned and that there were no hiccups along the way. Heath seems to be pretty excited about the future and all the advantages that come along with having the procedure done. Friday was a big day for the twins, we spent an hour and 45 min having an ultrasound done and they both look perfect! Thank You God :) They both weigh 10 oz each and are measuring right on. I then had to follow up with my doctor after the ultrasound and he said that everything looked great. (I will post pictures of them in another blog)
Needless to say we have had a full couple of weeks! O not to mention the scary 104.5 temps that Mr. Orion likes to throw out of the blue. Good thing we have that all figured out that's one less thing for mom to worry about!